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wierd growth in my aquarium

23 15:09:35

I have a 29 gallon tank with 5 small rams and one geophagus juripari and a pleco.  My water is crystal clear with my two stage filter(charcol and bio filter). I have this strange black growth in my tank.  It is plant like with one inch long spikes.  I use well water when I change ten percent once a week. What can I do to eliminate the growth?

Hi Steve;

It is probably beard algae. It is a tough one to get rid of. Most fish don't like to eat it either. You have to simply pull it out and throw it away. It isn't harmful, just weird-looking. For all types of algae, water changes really help. I would suggest 25% weekly. It will remove the "food" in the form of fish waste that helps algae grow. This is a better water change amount for any tank anyway. 10% is often not enough.

Some fish such as Gold Barbs eat it. Your tank looks pretty full though, so it's up to you. Your Geo and Pleco can get pretty big.

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Chris Robbins

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