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lionheads werid behaviour

23 14:24:12

I just got a lionhead and I noticed that it would stop and lay on its head, vertically straight with its head/mouth on the bottom floor of the tank. It would stay like this for a period of time and then resume swimming. Or it would lay on its side for a period of time like its dead or sleeping but will resume its swimming if we try to bring it out.   Is there anything wring with the fish. Should i be concerned with this kind of behaviour?

As well I have another small sized lionhead that lacks the strength to swim. It just floats near the bottom of the tank and is only interested in swimming when food is avaliable or when other fish bothers it. Is anything wrong with this fish?
Thanks for all the help!


He may be stressed or he is simply relaxing a bit once in awhile. Goldfish don't always swim constantly. Lethargic fish can also be from a lack of oxygen. You didn't mention what size tank you have but goldfish are pretty messy guys that need lots of space. Each goldfish needs at least 10 gallons of water and good filtration. Make a 25% water change and see if that helps. Here is a web page about goldfish needs;

Sometimes "New Tank Syndrome" is an issue too. If your tank hasn't been set up for very long there may be toxins bothering them. It needs to finish breaking in. Here is my own web page about it to help you;

If the goldfish on the bottom really can't swim very well it could even be a problem with his swim bladder. Some affected fish sit on the bottom and some float at the top. Here is information about that;

Let me know if you need more help...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for the answer, I've gone over the articles you suggested and they were all so informative! I'm going to be a much better fish owners. I have a 45 gallon tank, and in it I have 2 lion heads and 2 orandas. The one lion head i have seem to have a "heavy head". When its relaxing the head seems to weigh too much, so the fish loses its balance and tips over head down, sometimes it even tips itself 180 degrees. So the fish is upside down (which he/she corrects itself). Is this a cause of swim bladder? Do you recommend me feeding it peas? Thanks for all the help!!!

Hi Lu;

I'm so glad to be able to help! Your tank sounds like just about the right size for them. Peas and other veggies would be an excellent idea. It's something goldfish should actually have all the time, at least 3 times a week. Goldfish are mostly vegetarian but most goldfish diets have too much protein and not enough fiber. I give mine cooked shredded carrots, cucumber slices, cooked green beans, romaine lettuce, and squash slices. They can nibble on these for several hours.

Some orandas and other round bodied goldies have genetic deformities that cause their swim bladders to malfunction. It gets worse as they grow larger. There isn't much you can do for those but give them a good diet, keep their water clean and hope for the best.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins