Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > i have had my 10 gal tank...

i have had my 10 gal tank...

23 15:00:43

i have had my 10 gal tank for 2 weeks, i have 3 guppys 2 male 1 female, i know nothing about fish except thay are beautiful.
   i need to know how much, and how offen do i feed them, how do i keep the tank clean,and any more info  you can give me to help me take good care of my fish.
     thank you

Chris has been unable to answer your question due to computer failure. You can ask another volunteer expert or post your question on the forum at our sister site in the freshwater aquarium section. There are many knowledgable members there that should be able to help. The website address for the forum is;

Thank You for your patience. Chris should be available again in 2 weeks.