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How big a tank?

23 11:48:20

I've been wanting to set up a small aquarium for my dorm room. I would like to have a Betta splenden and perhaps 6-8 neon tetra's. Also depending on whether algae gets out of hand, I would consider introducing a little sucker fish just to help. I want to be kind and don't want to overcrowd them, but I also don't want anything too big because of the dorm room. What size tank would you recommend? Also, I have received mixed information about the beta and tetras as tank mates because of the tetras nibbling at the betta's fins. Would you advise against this match? Thank you for your time


Hi Vivienne

A 15 gallon would be ok for this setup. However, no, you will not be able to keep the Neons with a Betta. The Betta will attack the Neons, not the other way around. Bettas are fighting fish and will fight each other, as well as any other fish with bright colors and fancy fins.

I have a nice little 18 gallon community that consists of a Red Betta, a Blue Dwarf Gourami, 3 Black Mollies and 2 Panda Cory Cats. It's a peaceful and pretty community with a natural colored gravel, plants, rocks and a couple of log tunnels for the Betta to hide in.

When deciding on tank mates for Bettas, never put 2 Bettas together, male or female. Another thing to remember is your Betta needs to be the "star" of the tank. Avoid bright colors like Glofish and Neons, and avoid fancy fins like Angels and Guppies.

Hope this helps, good luck!
