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Powder Blue Gourami

23 14:12:45

I have two powder blue dwarf gouramis with some platys and danios and an african dwarf frog.  They all get along really well.  The nitrite, ammonia, etc. levels are all good too.  One of my gouramis flicks his top and bottom fins up and down.  He is not flicking or bumping into anything, he just does it when he swims around and he'll fluff his fins all the way out.  None of the other fish are bothering him either.  All the fish look healthy and don't show any signs of finrot or anything.  Both gouramis are males. Why is he doing this?

Hi Jesse,
 Most likely he is doing it precisely because there is another male gourami in the tank and he is just letting the other guy know who is #1.  

-- Ron
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