Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > How can you tell a male from a femal betta fish?

How can you tell a male from a femal betta fish?

23 14:47:51

Hi Ron!,

How can you tell a male betta fish from a female. I only have one fish but i would like to know wheter he/she is a he/she. Also i kind of want anther one and maybe if they are girl and boy then can have babies. I also heard that Betta ( the type of fish I have) dont get along when they are together what would i do if i got another one. And guess what his name is , his name is Jeffy! Well please email me back soon with a answer.
          Thank You  

Hi Jeffy,
 If your betta has large colorful fins then it is a male.  Males definitely do not get along with each other -- they are very territorial so you don't want to put more than one in a tank unless it is a large tank, e.g., 70 gallons or more.

A male and a female will get along if the tank is about a 20 gallon or larger.

-- Ron
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