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My poor betta

23 11:46:29

Hello, I have a red halfmoon betta, named Firestar. He has developed what looks like a tumor under his gills. He is swimming fine and eating fine, but I don't know if it will get bigger. What can I do for him? Thanks!

Hi Sarah,
Tumors are very hard to diagnose.  They may be cancerous, or non cancerous.  Bettas live a long time with non cancerous tumors.  If he is eating, and swimming around normally there is no worry.  There is nothing you can do except feed him well, vary his diet, keep his water warm, and make sure he has a big enough tank to live in.  A betta should be in a 5 gallon tank with water changes every week without fail.  All the water should be changes weekly, with a good water conditioner.