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Dropsy betta

23 14:47:09

Dear Chris,

(2.5 gal tank,heater,filter,one betta,ph

Just today,i noticed my betta had what looks like dropsy.His belly,closer to his head,looks like its bloated.His skales look like there getting streched out.I'v added rock salt to his tank when i changed the water ever since i got him,witch was about 4 weeks ago.His behaiver is fine,eating fine,flaring fine,and swiming fine.
PLEASE help thogh,i love my betta and dont know what to do.


Hi Ben;

Poor guy. Here is a link to a good article about dropsy in bettas;

He needs more frequent water changes too. All tanks need a 25% change every week. Siphon the water from the bottom, vacuuming the gravel at the same time.

I hope he feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins