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oscar popeye

23 11:47:34

hi there
i have a 1year old oscar, who is to believe to have popeye,
my water is spot on when it was tested and we change the water once a week as normal
and his tank is 50gallons (uk gallons)
he is on the course of myxazin
my main worry is after everything has been done to profession guidence
his eye is still massive
does the eye ever go back to normal ?
or does this mean he has lost his sight ??
is there anything else i could do to help ?

many thanks

Hi Laura,
 Sadly I have had little success treating popeye over the years.  Basically, popeye is a complex symptom and it can result from all sorts of things. Typically it comes down to the fish being stressed, either by another fish or by water conditions, although other things may cause it as well.  I have never gotten it to recede.  

-- Ron
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