Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > why is my fish dying?

why is my fish dying?

23 11:12:27

QUESTION:  Hi- my fish,Shrek, has been swimming on the very bottom of the tank for about the whole summer till now. He also has big lumps on his side and black stuff on his head. He use to be a very big fish, but now only about 4 inches long and about 1 inch wide, why isn't he eating? Their are two fish in the tank, their in a tank that is about 3 feet long, their is a filter, the tank is clean and only the other fish, Fiona, is swimming around. Every time Shrek starts to fall down to the bottom, Fiona will try to hold up Shrek. Please help me out, I would hate to see Shrek die.

ANSWER: Danielle,

I would love to help you but you gave me no information. First off what kind of fish is he? What are you feeding him? Is he eating? Is there any way you can add a picture of him? Please, give me as much information as you can so that I can try and help you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

my dying fish.
my dying fish.  
QUESTION: Sorry- I have a goldfish, and I am feeding him Tetra Fin Goldfish Flakes, but he only eats like one flake a day. I am going to add a pic of him. Thanks!


   Thank you for supplying me with a picture. No for the bad news. Sometimes the mass production of fish tend to start to give no so healthy fish. To me it looks like tumors which there is no cure for. Do you give him more than one flake to eat but he only eats one? I would put him in your hospital thank and feed him medicated food in the hopes that the food it will help. As long as he is eating and swimming and being a fish there is really nothing to do at this time. If after you try the medicated food he he doesn't get better or he gets worse let me know.