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Sucky Fish with white fuzz

23 11:12:25


sucky fish with white
I have a 30 gallon tank, I have 2 sucky fish (sorry can't spell the real name). The one in question is about 6-7 yrs old. He has white on his tips of fins, down his back and on one side. Not sure about this. Worried. I also have a parrot fish, 4 smaller fish in the tank. Any help would be great. Not sure what to do. Please help. We feed them flakes and every so many days I drop algea tab in. I can post pics if you need them as well. Thank you so much.  

Tammie, I personally am sorry to say that I have never seen a Plecostomus (algae eater), have this issue. I do know that the armor strong skin/scaling that they have is very hard to disturb. They do however obtain the same types of diseases as normal fish do, even thought they have that extra strong coating. This is an obvious problem that I cant immediately give you precise information on, due to the fact that I have never seen this on a captive Pleco. I will speculate that it is either one or both of two things, a parasitic disease or a bacterial disease. The positive about this is that it can be treated. I always use and recommend Maracyn , which is made by Mardel. I would use maybe Maracyn 2 and also maracide for this fish. If you are able to quarantine it in a hospital tank, you should. IF it is in fact one of the two problems i mentioned, it should begin to improve in about 2 days. If not, it wouldnt hurt to treat it anyway. Also, you should definitely check the water quality. Most fish acquire sicknesses from living in unhealthy environment, as do we humans. I hope this helps a little. I ams o very sorry that I have never seen this in all of my years of fish keeping. I am certain however, that if it is in fact a sickness, if you take the proper steps to treat it as I mentioned above, it will help. You just have to be the judge of whether you want to pay for the medicine or for a new fish. Sorry to be so blunt. Good luck. Please keep me updated. and as always, if yo have any future questions comments or concerns, feel free to contact me anytime!