Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Diease


23 15:09:05

One of my goldfish has got a white pupil. What is this? If it's any help my fish is about 4 years old.

Hi Jo;

It may be a cataract. Be sure it is on the inside of the eye and not on the outside. If it is on the outside, he may have injured it.

Does it seem fuzzy, or just white? If fuzzy it may be infection.

Do you make regular water changes? A tank that is 'not-so-clean' will cause these things. Make 25% water changes weekly in tanks with filters. With no filter, change all the water at least once a week.

If the tank is too small it will cause the same thing. Goldfish get very big and are messy too. They get 6 to 8 inches long and live to be 10 or more years old. They need at least 20 gallons for each fish in order to mature and thrive as they grow. Anything smaller and they develop symptoms of old age much sooner than they should.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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