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I think my goldfish is sick:(

23 14:59:43

Hi I think I've got a 10 gallon tank and I've had this 1 goldfish for over 2 years already and now I think the poor thing is sick:( He's got white spots on his fins and it looks like he's got something on one of his eyes. My mom just thinks he's constipated but I'm really worried about him since he is my 1 and only fav goldfish. PLease help me help him get better. Oh and he's like around 6 and a half to 7 inches.

Hi Judy;

If the spots are like little salt specks, it is a parasite called ick. Here is more information about it and how to treat it;

There are other pictures and diseases listed on the page too. If ick doesn't seem to be what your fish have, check out the others.

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins