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white, puffy scale fungus/bacteria

23 11:45:07

Hi Lynda,

I have a female Balloon-Bellied Molly who has some white, puffy, almost cotton-like stuff on the left side of her body in front of her dorsal fin.  It doesn't seem to affect her personality, and she's eating fine.  It doesn't seem to affect my other fish, either, since they haven't contracted it yet.  My water chemistry is normal and I clean my tank regularly.  I believe it is Ich but when I tried Ich medication before it didn't help her any.  I've also tried Melafix (anti-bacterial medication) and Pimafix (anti-fungal medication), neither of which had any noticable effect.  I would really like to get your opinion on it before I make my next move in trying to get rid of it.  Please help me figure out what's on my fish!


Hi Madison,
Your fish has fungus, and this disease is catching.  You will have to treat all of your tank.  Make sure you ammonia, and nitrite levels are zero, as poor water conditions is often the cause of fungus.  Do water changes to get the level down if it is high.  There are many different kinds of treatment for fungus at your pet store that would help.  Jungle Eliminator, Maroxy, or Fungus Guard are some of them.  Do not wait, as this disease eats away at a fish until he dies.  It's a horrible death.   Follow the directions on the package, and be careful not to overdose.  
I hope your little pet pulls through.