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fish babies

23 14:31:21

Hi! I am new at the fish thing, but I do have a question for you. My Red Wag Swordtail just had babies, and we put them into a breeder box, and we only found 5 fry, so we think the others were eaten, now, our Dalmatian Molly just gave birth to 39 fry in another breeder box. my question is can the fry be put together and if so how long should we keep them in the breeder box? Thanks so much for your time.

The fry can certainly be kept together.  You can release the fry once they are swimming well and are about <--> this big.  You may loose one or two, but they are usually the weaker ones.  You will have to pour clean water in the breeding box every day to stop growth inhibiting hormones from building up.  Congrats on the fry :)