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angel fishes

23 11:45:23

He again Lynda. Thank you very mush for you answer about the angel fish that I have ordered and the black widows. Hopefully the shopkeeper will accept them back.
Please accept my apologies because this is the first time in my life that I have tropical fishes. Most of the stuff I know comes from the internet.
Now, what about Beta fighters? Along with the Widows I also have three Phantoms. Will there be any problem to keep them with the Angel and the Beta? Or do I have to give them back to the shop also?

Hi Carlos,
The Betta has a long skirt which is an attraction to all fish.  He may be nipped, and stressed.  When fish are nipped, they get sick.   I would keep a betta in a five gallon tank alone.  They do best alone.
Angels are cichlids, and they are aggressive.  They make their territory, and defend it.  This is not a good mix.  If you want to put more fish in your tank, and have them get along, buy Rams instead of Phantoms, or Widows.  Rams are cichlids too.  Make little hiding places for them.  This would be a better fish for the Angel fish to get along with.  Mixing fish from other families is not always a good idea.