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Parrotfish moving rock

23 13:56:11

We have recently purchased a parrotfish, He/She has moved a whole bunch of the rocks and still is busy moving the rocks, has cleared out almost 1/4 of the tank to a clear bottom, He is in the tank alone, why is he doing this, we don't know if it'e a male or female, Hasn't eaten much in the past couple of days either, also we are feeding him tropical flakes, is that right for him? Thanks midge

Hi Midge,
Your Parrotfish is normal.  They do move rocks, and they are really not made to be alone.  Two would be better if you have the space.  They are not aggressive, and they even spawn, but the spawn is never good which is a shame, and sad.  Flakes are good, but you should give it some other types of food must vary the diet of fish, or they get weak.  Discus Bits, Plankton, the more you vary the better.  Discus Bits are really good for your fish, you could start by buying that, and then later another kind, until you have different menus to offer.  This is for every kind of fish, they need their vitamins.
Hopes this helps you.