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molly possible pregnancy

23 11:09:45

I've looked everywhere for help with this but to no avail.

I currently have 4 mollies (2 golden, 2 silver) and 3 male guppies in a 16 gallon tank, heated to 26C but with no salt as I'd like to keep my guppies alive!

One of my silver mollies seems to be getting rather squared off at the chest area but not at the back, and I cant see a gravid spot. I think she came from a mixed tank at my lfs so she probably could be pregnant, but I don't know.

I just want to be prepared for any fry if she is!

Hello Hannah,

Got your question, tonight, in the question pool.  Apparently, another expert didn't know the answer, so they referred it there for others to answer.  I chose yours because I believe my expertise can help you.  It's probably been there awhile, and for that, my apologies, but we were just given it by that expert tonight.  I got right to your question the second it came in.

First of all, I raise mollies.

Your mollies will not survive very long without salt!  I don't know where you got the idea that they don't need salt.  That's absolutely incorrect, as they are wild caught often frollicking in brackish water.

Mollies do require salt to survive.

With that said, if you think your molly is pregnant, then you should keep an eye on her.  Keep her heat at 80F and make sure she's got plenty of fresh, clean water.  When the fry are born, isolate them in a separate area, because the other fish will snack on them.

I certainly want to let you know that if you have any further questions, I am more than happy to help you out.

Happy fish-keeping.
