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pregnant guppy sick after goldfish added, pls help

23 14:46:49

i have a 10 gal tank, with breeding guppies in it.
it has been set for a year, established community of guppies.
water condition, perfect. fish health, perfect.
Several days ago I rescued a blind fish from a petstore =)
anyway, the owner said they would go fine together so I brought the fish home and put him in the 10 gal tank with the rest of the guppies. ever since the water has been really cloudy. I did 1/4 water change almost everyday and the nitrate's/ nitrite's getting better.
Today I noticed one of my sweet pregnant guppy has a thread hanging from her stomach...and when I look from her sides, her stomach looks like it has a red sore, sort of open sore where the thread is coming from. The scales are raised, even more swollen...although she's pregnant.

please help, I'm sooo devastated to see her going through this.
so far all I've done is separate her into another container, put a heater and air bubble and extra salt...and a couple drops of "quick cure" liquid.

I just checked again and actually saw several of her halfway-fry eggs lying on the base of the container. It actually spilled out of her stomach.

I just cant imagine what she's going through right now.
what's the best thing to do? please dont ask me to euthanize her.

thank you. if you need pictures, email me., I've taken some pictures, not the best...not the clearest..but it should give some ideas.  

Poor thing. There really isn't much moreyou can do for her but wait. Keep her water clean and use salt and Melafix to help soothe the wounds a bit.

The goldfish really can't live in the same tank with your guppies. He needs a 10 gallon all to himself because goldfish are so messy. He will also eat your guppies. Goldfish get to be 6 to 8 inches long. Here is a good web page about goldfish and their needs;

I hope things get better.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins