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New fish...not sure whats going on

23 11:52:07

I have recently(today) started a 75 gal tank w/1 Tiger Oscar, 1 Red Osacar, and a Jack Dempsy.  The Jack just seems to be hiding, the red is out and about more than either of the 2, and the Tiger is lying partially on his/her side most of the time as if it's dying. All of my water levels are reding fine.  I'm mostly concerned w/the Tiger.  The red swims around it sometimes making contact, but it doesn't appear hostile.  Is my Tiger dying?  Maybe adjusting to the new tank?

Hi Jimmy,
  Fish take a while (weeks) to adjust to a new tank.  

  Also, did you treat the water for chlorine and/or chloramine?

  I'm assuming the water temperature is around 80oF, right?

-- Ron
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