Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > crucked spine

crucked spine

23 11:05:27


I. Has earlier asked you about the cricked spies of my female guppy

I have quarantined it as u asked me to but it moves fine and rates fine too.
I have attached images this time.

What I want to know is will the rest of my fish develop such spines could fading a new male or female help for they future

It looks kinda lonely in the quarantine... its a bucket that I use to. Hanger water

Please help thanks

Shrutesh,    I am so sorry. I would not put her back in the tank. It could be congenital but, I would not take that chance. She looks lonely, I understand how you feel. Personally I would get her a little clear vase or bowl or anything she can't jump out of and put her near where I am most. So she can get that extra attention. You can always put someone in with her there is no guarantee they will get anything. It is better than crashing your tank and everything you have achieved so far. Good Luck, tina