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hi my name is josh and i reacently...

23 14:57:21

hi my name is josh and i reacently put distilled water in my tank since then all
my fish have ben dieing and i dont know what to do i have no fish left in my
tank and i need to get some new ones my local pet store told me i could use
distilled water in my fish tank if you could give me a suggesttion on what to do
abbout my fish that would be great
thank you  

Hello Josh-

I am sorry for the loss of your fish.
Unfortunately, you've fallen prey to the old "distilled water myth."
Contrary to popular belief, distilled water is absolutely horrible for keeping fish in. Distilled water is pure, so pure, in fact, that there's nothing in it. Fish need minerals, like salt and certain other trace elements to survive. So by putting the fish in distilled water, you're actually depriving them of essential minerals.
What I would recommend is using tap water treated with a water conditioner. Your pet store will have plenty to choose from when you go to pick up your new fish. Have a tank of tap water waiting for you when you get home - Add the conditioner, float your fish in their bags, and then scoop the fish (not the water from the bags!) into the tank.

Hope this was helpful, and good luck with your new fish!
-Amber Worman