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King Betta in the bottom of the tank

23 11:25:27

Hi Lynda,

Just answering your questions, the ammonia level is normal, the regular PH is 6.2 and after the PH adjuster, it raises to 6.8.  Currently, I'm doing water changes every two days.

My tank is a 5 gallons Mariner with filter, heater and natural light.  The temperature is around 78F, also monitored every day.


Hi Luiz,
Your PH is much too low.  Add sea shells or crushed coral to your tank.  Do this slowly, as bringing up the PH too quickly would be deadly.  Buy a small bag of crushed coral, and rinse it well.  Buy white nylon stockings, and make a bag.  Put one teaspoon of coral in the stocking, and put it into your filter letting the water of your tank run over it.  Wait one day, check your PH, if it is still too low, add another teaspoon, wait one day, and so on.  You could also add sea shells.  Depending on the size of the shells, add some to your tank.  Do the same, add, and wait one day, if not high enough, add more the next day.  This must be done very slowly.  Bringing up the PH too fast is very bad, and this is one of the reasons why your betta isn't feeling well.  It will kill him, and all the other fish.
Your temperature must always be stable.  A little drop in temperature is deadly to fish.  You must have a heater (Thermostat) Fluctuating water, is very bad for fish.  Your Betta should be in 80-82 degree water.  
Never buy products to lower or raise the PH.  They do more harm than good.
I hope this will help.