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Seizures in fish..

23 11:42:28

I just got two goldfish from the fair a few days ago. I know that they are not
meant to last but I did not expect one to die within 6 hours. My other fish
Ottis is still alive after my one fish died I completely cleaned out the tank
and everything in it. Now today I am noticing that my fish is randomly doing
flips and then floating to the bottom of the tank. Ottis is also randomly
spazzing and twitching. He is rapidly opening his mouth wide and closing it. Is
this a result of a seizure or something else can you please help me??

Hi Jacquelin,
  I do not understand "not meant to last".  They are live creatures. They want to last as
long as they possibly can, just like you or I.   Sadly they were probably treated very poorly
prior to you getting them and that is why one died already.  Personally I think it is atrocious that people "win" goldfish at fairs.  

 You should never completely clean out a fish tank. When you do that you kill all the good
bacteria that help to keep a fish tank clean and balanced and in essence you are starting the
whole process over, which is extremely hard on the fish (hence the fish's behavior).  

-- Ron
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