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My goldfish is sucking air at the surface of the water

23 14:44:37

I bought a small goldfish yesterday and put him in a fishbowl that previously had a beta in it (I cleaned the bowl thouroughly first.) I put in tap water and a tablet I bought when I bought the fish that said to just add it to tap water in the fishbowl and the water would be ready for the fish.  It is a small bowl, holds maybe a gallon of water.  When I first put the fish in yesterday is swam around and seemed to be doing fine but all day today it has been floating at the surface "sucking air."  What is wrong?

Hi Michelle;

He has now been in there long enough that his waste and respiration have used up the oxygen in the water. He is going to the top to try and get enough, but it's never going to happen in there I'm afraid. It's a shame the fish store people didn't give you better information about it. I'm sorry that has happened to you.

Contrary to commonly believed, goldfish just cannot live in a fish bowl. Goldfish need 10 gallons per fish and good filtration to thrive. Maybe a 5 gallon would be okay for a few short months, but he definately needs much more room and oxygenated water from a filter. Here are some web pages about goldfish and what they need;

I hope he does okay....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins