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flowerhorn head

23 11:09:42

Hi Jaymie, actually what I wanted to know was if there was any regular food like dried prawns,fresh liver,cut up fresh fish, etc that I could feed her for better colour, cos the commercial stuff we get her are so expensive, I could practically feed two Rottweiler dogs for that amount!! Too bad she's a female. I would have likeda better humpy head, but i love her nevertheless! Thanx for the quick reply.



The flower horn fish has very good appetite. This hybrid can either take live food or fish pellets. It is advisable to feed the fish several times a day in small quantity. Ideally to have a mixture of life and fish feed. This will make the fish healthier. Besides, the intensity of coloration greatly depends on the diet of the fish. Excessive feeding of color enhancer is not advisable as it may contain harmful chemicals. Please do it in moderation.

Keep those prawn/shrimp/krill as treats only. Maybe 1-3 times a week
Blood worms are also highly used(try to avoid freeze dried) If you want a redder color then shrimp, prawn and krill are better.
New Life Spectrum food is very good.
Grand Sumo Red and Grand Sumo (green pellets) and Chingmix work out very well.

Hope this has helped