Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > how many?

how many?

23 13:56:18

HI, just last week i bought 2 silver Mollies(f) and(m)the female died! i don't know why. but today i just went out to my more black Mollies(f)and(m) and the female is pregnant(due in a bout 2 days!) and now i have 2 males and 1 female. i was wondering if it is ok to put the three in the same tank(after she gives birth of course!)

Hi Ais;

The poor female will end up being pestered to death if she is put with two males. Male mollies are interested in breeding constantly and could simply wear her out until she gets sick and dies. Maybe you can take one of the males back to the fish store and trade him in for another female? Mollies are better off with two females per male anyway.

You don't have to get the same kind of molly if they don't have more of them at the store. Unless you are trying to breed a pure strain of a certain type or certain color of molly, any kind of female molly will do. They are all the same fish so they will breed together.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins