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My Rainbow shark

23 15:05:32

I have got a rainbow shark,2 lemon tetras,1 platy,1 molly, and 2 guppies. Whenver I see my shark, he is hiding underneath the filter, but whenever he thinks you are not looking, he goes up and nips my guppies tails.Now my guppies tails are all jagged.Will my shark hurt the guppies?

Hi Laura;

He is already hurting them now and will kill them eventually. Rainbow sharks should be with fish like cichlids, barbs, large tetras and others that can hold their own. Guppies are way too mild. Sharks also need a pretty big tank or they will terrorize everybody anyway. I wouldn't recommend one in less than a 30 gallon because of their potential size of about 6", their high energy level, and their "nippy nature".

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins