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my redcap oranda is sick!

23 14:20:48

hi, my redcap oranda seems to be sick. he developed large white spots on his head growth a few days ago and is just floating in the middle of the tank. he's not eating much either. we read you could wipe them off gently with a Q-tip, which we did, and it worked. but they came back during the night, and he's still not moving much. we have a 60 litre freshwater tank. we do not use aquarium salt. we were told the Ph was a tiny bit high but                                                          that it wouldn't affect our goldfish. also we have another 5 fish in the tank (2 black moors, an other oranda- which has got 1 white spot too but doesn't seem to be affected by it at all- and 2 red and black chinese goldfish). We're only new to the whole goldfish thing but we love it and we've been doing everything by the book! looking forward to hearing from you! help me save my fishie!!! thank you in advance

Hi Marie.  It sounds to me like your fish could be showing signs of something called "cotton mouth", officially called Columnaris.  here is an article regarding it and you can check it out to see if it resembles what your fish is suffering from.  The site is:  This article also has information on the medication it should be treated with.

The other thing you may want to check in to is Ich.  The fish would look like it has been sprinkled with salt.  Here is info on that:

You have to remember that I cannot see your fish.  I can only go on what you are describing to me, and it really could be so many things.  Also, keep in mind that it doesn't matter if the fish seems to be "bothered" by it or not.  Disease is disease, and if not treated promptly, your fish could potentially die.

One of the main causes of disease in a tank is poor water quality.  Weekly tank maintenance, cleaning and partial water changes is a must in order to keep your fish healthy. This is ESPECIALLY true with goldfish, because they produce enormous amounts of waste.  They are nicknamed "pigfish" because they make such a mess.  The websites above have a link for goldfish that you should read up on also.

Lastly, a little bit of aquarium salt in the tank is a good idea when there is illness in the tank. Its therapeutic qualities can help out tremendously.  After the fish are all healthy again, you can choose to stop using it, and it will eventually be depleted through the water changes.  Some people prefer to keep salt in their tanks always, it's a totally personal preference and choice.

If after you check these articles out you still have questions or concerns, please feel free to write me back and ask.  I would suggest that you keep reading up on goldfish and their care, etc., as there is soooooo much info available for you to read.  Knowledge is power.

Good luck!!   ;o)