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My Betta Fish; Sir Paulanca the 2nd.

23 11:06:53

Sir Paulanca the 2nd
Sir Paulanca the 2nd
I've had Paulanca for a bit over a year, maybe more and it's started moving towards the side of the tank (it's a semi circle tank hanging off a wall) and started to swim around less and less. Now he barely moves at all :(. Lately I've been putting his tank in the sun and his color has gotten a lot better but he's now lost his appetite.
Please help this is so sad to watch. i bought him a plant to liven up his tank :) and the people at the fish shop i bought him at said to try giving him small bits of a pea but still nothing :(

Hi Michelle,
 Sadly, I suspect that Sir Paulanca is just getting old.  Bettas do not live very long.  It is important to make sure that he has clean water and a temperature up around 80oF so that he can live out his days in comfort.

-- Ron C.
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