Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Female guppy with bent spine

Female guppy with bent spine

23 11:04:12

QUESTION: I have a female guppy which has developed a bent spin overnight I've had her for about 3 months bought from local pet store her weight has completely dropped and her curve appears from head to top fin she looks like an r also some of her scales appear pertruded which my first thought was droppsey but not completely convinced she still eats and swims around and excited when I aproch the tank we do regular water changes and treat the water regularly live plants great filtering system and air bubbles we have a 70 Leter tank which has lights on an auto timmer allowing lighting 12 hours per day . In the tank we have 7 guppies 3 platy 2 ballon mollies 2 small marbal catfish 2 guppy fry and a small clown loach weird combination but they all get along also what dose shock every one 2 medium angels which we have had since the size of a baloon Molly our fish are all very friendly and get along . There diet is varied using colour flakes micro pellets tropical flakes and sink pellets for the marbals even though the other fish have a field day on those and they also pick away at the plants also when a fish seems unwell or when we have added a new fish we do treat water with melafix hope I've given you all the information needed

ANSWER: Melissa,
 Eighteen fish in that small of a tank is not good. you are over stalked. The sick fish should be in your hospital tank until she has been cured. DO NOT use Melafix in your tank, if you have any Betta or other labyrinth organ fish.If will clog the gills causing the fish to drowned. Also, do not use any medication unless you know the fish are sick or ill. The curved spine might be fish TB. Be very careful when handling the fish or anything else that is in the tank. It can be passed on to humans. If your fish is resembling an pine corn, then he is suffering from dropsy. Is there a chance I can get you to upload a photo of the sick fish? It will help me to help you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: labyrinth ??? we only started using it as the owner at the pet store recomened it to us (melafix)here is a pic

She does not look like she had an injury. Sometimes, when they swim too fast they run into the tank wall, but I do not think that is what happened. It could be a genetic problem or fish TB. Remove her from the main tank and put her in your hospital tank. Until we are sure it is not fish TB, be very careful when putting your hands in the water because you can catch it from her. You have no Labyrinth fish in your tank at the moment, but I would stop using the melafix. No need to medicate the whole tank when only one fish is showing signs of a problem. Here is a good article about fish tb.