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Tomatoe in fish tank

23 11:09:30

Hi. Last night I did something very stupid without thinking. I fed a tomatoe to my betta, corrys, and apple snails. When i came home today my bettas scales on his head were gone.  I siphoned the water, and removed the tomatoe. My apple snails did eat most of it. They were all active, i love my fish so much! I really dont want to lose them. Will they be okay? Is there anything I should do?

Hi Jen,

Goodness.  I've never had this particular question before.

Well, the thing about tomatoes I recall which was the reason we could not feed them to our cockatoo was because they contain a really strong acid in them.

Ever eat tomatoes off the vine and get a windburn like burn on your lips afterwards? You open your mouth and it cracks and sometimes even bleeds a bit.  Well, this is probably the same reaction the fish's head is having.

So, go to your local pet store and look for "Stress Coat.

Although it's made as a dechlorinator and water conditioner, it also contains electrolytes and it helps the fish recouperate.

I recommend changing the tank's water, at least 50% of it, before treating it according to directions with the stress coat.

No more tomatoes Jen. :)

I hope he makes it.  I know you love him...I will cross fingers for his fast recovery and please feel free to email back anytime you need to.

Happy fish-keeping.
