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my goldfish is swimming upside down but not dying?

23 15:02:14

I have had two gold fish for a couple months now and one of them swims upside down periodically but doesn't appear to be dieing. she/he will swim upside down for a while then return to normal. what is wrong?

Hi Lauren;

Sounds like digestive trouble. If a goldfish eats too fast and/or overeats, it can develop indigestion and gas in the belly causes it to float upside down. Sometimes it is from swim bladder failure. Diet change is a good solution for both causes of "flipover disease".

Goldfish have digestive systems that require lots of fiber. Cut back on regular food by about 25% and give him chunks of cooked peas every day until he no longer swims that way. Feed the peas at least a couple of times a week after that. It is good for the other fish too. They also like cooked green beans, romaine lettuce bits, sliced cucumber, sliced squash. These green foods can be left in the tank to nibble on for several hours without fouling the tank.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins