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peacock color loss

23 11:55:27

I have an Ivory Head Peacock that has lost his colors.  A month ago he was beautiful and was breeding with one of the females in the tank.  Now he just hides.  He is eating and looks healthy.  There is one other male peacock a midnight but they seem to get along well.  There are 3 electric yellows, several juvinile red empress peacocks and several female ivory heads including the one he previously bread. There is also three young afra cobues.  Everybody seems to get along.  The water tests fine no nitrite or amonia and a PH of 7.6.  The other fish appear fine.

Hi Tina,
When a fish loses it's colour, it is because he is stressed.  The Peacock, and the Afra Cobues do not make good tank mates, and I would think that this would be the reason why your peacock is stressed.  The Afra Cobue is also known as the "Dog Toothed Cichlid"  I wouldn't mix the Afra Cobues with the Electric Yellows either.  They also need a higher PH than the peacock, and the yellows.  My advice would be to remove the Afra Cobues, and either get a credit at the pet store, or other fish that will be compatible with your peacock, and yellows.  To keep these fish together, one would have to have a big tank with lots, and lots of hiding places, still when a fish gets stressed, he soon stops to eat, gets sick, and dies.
Hope this will solve the problem.