Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > sick Danio

sick Danio

23 14:45:31

Hey I have some danios that have done really well for almost a year however i noticed one getting skinnier and not eating. He has added another one of them to his sick group  neither have died yet but the first one looks like a swimming spinal cord with eyes  so any help would be much welcomed.

Hi Nathan;

It could be internal parasites, fish tuberculosis, high nitrates in the water and other things. You could try feeding some flake food for parasitic infections along with one for bacterial infections. Make 25% water changes every week in the tank so that nitrates don't build up. Nitrate is a natural result of the biological filtration in every tank. Water changes are the only safe and effective way to reduce them.

Let me know if you have more details for me that we could use to figure out what's going on. I hope they do okay....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins