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Water Softner

23 14:43:27

Hi Chris

We have well water but are installing  a water softner will that help the ph rise a bit or will it disrupt the tank levels?  The water is hard right now.  What is the best way to keep ph at a normal level for Oscars?

Hi Fran;

The water softener reduces the minerals in the water so the pH will go down. Oscars really like soft water and enjoy pH a little on the low side. 6.0 to 7.0 is what they tend to do their best in so that will be just fine for them. As you make your regular weekly 25% water changes and gravel vacuumings it will slowly convert to the softened water. If you haven't been doing changes and vacuumings weekly, now would be a good time to start. The less often water changes are made, the more trouble you will have keeping the pH stable. Using a water softener makes it even more important now because there are less minerals in there to help you keep it from dropping below 6.0.

Stability is important in pH, not a certain reading. There is a safe "range" of 6.0 to 8.0 that we should try to keep within, but it should remain stable somewhere in there. For instance, if the pH in your tank likes to be around 6.4 to 6.5, that's good. If it fluctuates from 6.0 to 7.0 all the time, that's not good. Even though both those levels are in the "safe zone", there is too much fluctuation going on that stresses the fish. That's why it is best not to try to alter it with chemicals. Chemical altering of the pH causes a rollercoaster effect that is very harmful to the fish. It changes when you add the powder/liquid/tablet and then often within hours reverts back to the old pH again so you add more and the deadly rollercoaster goes on.

I hope it works out well for you with your softener. I have well water too and it leaves so much mineral residue on my fixtures it's ridiculous. I hope to have one installed this coming spring and put a stop to that. ;-)

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins