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my molly is pregnant

23 14:38:21

i have three difrent types of fish and all of the females are pregnant. my molly is further along then the  others she is in a breeding net i was just wondering if there was any thing else i could do for her and what should i do whean she has them.

Hello Tasha,
Anyway you should keep her in the breeder net until she has the fry or also known as (baby mollies). Take her out right after she has the fry or she will eat them all. Keep feeding her like you normaly would if she wernt pregnant. When the fry are born keep them in the breeder net until they are big enough so that the other fish wont eat them. I feed my baby mollies very VERY crushed flake food, very crushed meaning crushed so much it is into a powder like substance. Feed them that until they look big enough to eat non-crushed flake food.
HAPPY FISH KEEPING!! and if you have any other questions dont hesitate to ask.