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cant keep algea away

23 11:46:45

Hi Lynda. I have an algea issue in my goldfish tank. I can't keep the stuff away. I checked the water and have been doing the water changes. I even got the algea scrubber on it and that did the job for a day and then hello again back it comes. It's the green stuff by the way. Is there anything I can do. The water is fine. Right ph and no ammonia or nitrates and it's alkaline. I would love to keep the stuff away.

Hi Danielle,
Green Algae is mostly due to too much light.  If your tank is near a window where sunlight is coming in, you will have to put it somewhere else. Reduce you lighting.  Green Algae does not harm your fish, but I know what a nuisance this could be.  Over feeding will not help, and is sometimes the cause.  Reduce your lighting, feed a little less, make 20% water changes every day until you are rid of it.  Once you have reduced the lighting, made water changes, and the algae is gone, keep doing your water changes every week, and your water should improve.  Green Algae grows very fast, so is very hard to control, but once you have found the cause, you will eventually get rid of the problem.
Hope this helps.