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New Betta- not eating

23 11:02:11

Hi, I have been keeping bettas for a while, and I recently finished cycling a 5 gallon tank (slow rate filter- no current produced. It has a heater set at 26C, substrate, and well planted.

I have had him for three days and so far he will not eat at all. He just spits it out. I have tried gel food and pellets, same with blood worms.

Is this just a stress issue due to him getting used to the tank and the new food?

I am not worrying as of yet, I just wanted to get some clarification and tips!

Thank you!

It can take up to 2 weeks for a Betta to settle into a new home. They go through a lot being shipped to the store and then to their new homes. As long as his heater is set at 80 degrees, you should see him start to get settled in in a few days.