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my betta died suddenly

23 13:55:11


Hi - I am new at owning a fish.  We have had our Betta for 6 months and he was thriving.  He lived in a 10 gallon filtered/heated aquarium.  He ate like a pig and had beautiful color (blue) and was very active and always came out when I went over to the tank.  We used bottled water as our tap water is full of iron and turns things yellow.  The tank has always been extremely clean.  Yesterday for the first time he didn't come right out to eat and I noticed he seemed to have more labored breathing and hung out at the bottom of the tank.  This am I woke to find he died overnight.  Any ideas?  Thanks

Hi Pam,
I'm sorry you lost your Betta, I know how that feels!  Many people think that bottled water is best for bettas, but this is very wrong.   Bottled water does not contain the essential minerals that a betta needs to survive. They may also contain harmful chemicals.  You would be better to use tap water with a good conditioner, and change your carbon once a month.  Water changes are important to fish, and you must change 25% of the water every week, so it is best to use tap water. (Always use a good conditioner, when doing water changes)   Check your water often to see if you have ammonia in it.  This is the number one killer of fish.  You can buy these little test kits at the pet store, and they should be number one in your fish cabinet.  A betta needs variety in food to be healthy.  Pellets, and Betta Flakes are good, and give bloodworms once a week as a treat.  It is better to feed the betta three little meals a day instead of one big meal. His stomach is the size of his eye, so we must remember this when feeding him.  Also, I would like to mention that bettas often get constipated, and die of this.  To prevent a betta from this, you should feed him one frozen pea each week.  Cook the pea, remove the outer layer, and cut it in small pieces, and give it to your Betta.  If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact me.  Bettas are intelligent little beings, and I do hope you will have another one soon.  Dory was a beauty!
Hope this helps