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Lyretail molly

23 11:09:44

I have had a black lyretail molly for several months and i noticed today that one of his eyes are swollen and kinda cloudy looking. I also noticed some white patches like the scales have been picked off. Im not sure what is wrong with him but the other fish are fine. I also know that it isnt Ick because ive had fish with ick before and it looks nothing like that. I went out of town for about a week and left them a dissolving food tablet. I just did a tank clean and water change when I got back in town. Any ideas or advice?

Hi Ashley,

Got your question, tonight, in the question pool.  Apparently, another expert didn't know the answer, so they referred it there for others to answer.  I chose yours because I believe my expertise can help you.  It's probably been there awhile, and for that, my apologies, but we were just given it by that expert tonight.  I got right to your question the second it came in.

Mollies require salted water.  Without salt in the water, they often suffer fungus such as yours has.  It's calle dpopeye and it will kill the Molly if not treated.

2 tsp per gallon of water, marine salt, needs to be dissolved into the system.  It should treat the condition.  She may remain in that salt on a permanent basis, as it is good for her.

Happy fish-keeping.
