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Guppy problem?

23 15:05:52

My 20 gallon tank has been set up for about 2 months now. I have 3 long fin zebra danios, 3 mickey mouse platies,and 3 guppies.About a month ago I bought 3 guppies. A few days ago my female blueish tailed guppy Blizzard died a little while after she had her babies. She got skinny and would not eat the food I gave to her. The other fish would scare her away from the food.Now my other female guppy Lightning is acting this way.She is about ready to have here babies, I think.Should I put her in the breeder net?I have just bought the breeder net and never used it before. Do you think she would eat the food I gave her in the breeder net? If I should put her in the breeder net how long should she stay there?

Hi Alyssa;

I'm sorry you lost Blizzard. It happens quite often with livebearer mothers though. To help Lightning be more successful you may need to make more water changes and add more hiding places. Guppies need very clean water to thrive. I am not a big believer in breeding nets though. It really stresses the mother out being in such a small place and she may die. She will eat her own babies too and unless you see her give birth you will probably lose some or all of them.

Make 25% water changes at least once a week to keep the water clean and reduce the chance of infection and stress. Vacuum the gravel once every 2 to 4 weeks at the same time you make a water change. Get live plants to help the mothers and babies to hide and get some privacy. The fish will also feed on the plants for extra nourishment. It is very healthy for all the fish. Elodea, Cabomba and Hornwort are the most popular ones because they have tiny leaves to hide in and munch on.

Also consider the ratio of females and males you have. There should be at least 2 females for every male. This helps the females have a rest occasionally. The males want to breed all the time and it will kill a female to have to tolerate so much "attention". It's very stressful for her.

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