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Betta fishs fat

23 14:53:25

Hi, I've had my betta fish for a few months now, and he's been doing okay. A few weeks ago, I noticed he has a fat lump. The fat goes from the back of his head, to the middle part of it's body. My dad said I've probably overfed it, and told me to not feed it for a while, and maybe it'll go away. I havn't fed it for 2 weeks now and I'm afraid it's going to starve to death. If I feed it, I'm afraid I might make the problem worst. What should I do?

Hi Kenny;

He may have a fatty tumor or some other benign growth on his back. Feed the poor little guy, but only a tiny bit at first. It could make him sick to give very much food after so long of a fasting. Maybe one little flake or pellet and a little more tomorrow. Change his water once a week. It helps his immune system fight disease.

I hope all goes well....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins