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My beta is always laying on the bottom

23 15:11:17

I have had my 2 gallon aquarium holding one male beta in it for about close to 2 years now and i was wondering if you knew why he would be lying on the bottom of the tank for long periods of time.  He eats regularly and it isnt like the tank is too cold because i have a thermometer in it and a light just in case it gets to cold.  I just cant figure out why he is doing this.  my tank is filtered and is clean as needed.

Hi Jessica;

He is old, I'm afraid. They live to be about 3 years old and are already a year old when we buy them. He is a "senior citizen" now so he is going to be less active. Keeping him warm is a good thing. His metabolism will benefit greatly from it and help keep him from getting sick.

Keep up the good work!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins