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Cant wait any more! 2

23 11:09:18

Yeah, I guess I letting my brothers choose the next fish is easier. Did I mention one of my brothers in an encyclopedia of animals? He is totally into them. I usually ask him all my animal facts and he answers in 1 sec. He is smaller then me but he knows a lot more animal facts. Talking of siblings I was wondering...
Do fish sisters and brothers have fights sometimes too?
Do fish know and recognize their family?

Interesting question.

I do think fish recognize relatives and family.  They school.  Same fishes school in different schools, which shows a preference for certain family members.

Elephant Nose fish actually MOURN when one dies.  My troop was about a dozen once.  They communicate by little nose electrical shocks and they are highly intelligent when compared to other species of fish, in my opinion...well, one died.  The whole group went wild and crazy and began swimming and I went over to see why...well, the old grand parent one had died.  

They had her and were trying to sit her right side up and couldn't get her, of course, to stabelize, but one would push from the bottom, and another would try to right her.

This says to me that they do understand that something was wrong.  They showed feelings....concern.
