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My fish...HELP!!!

23 15:10:48

I just got a beta (Japanese fighting fish) as a prize at a wedding.  I have a problem because I don't know how to keep his little bowl clean....he seems to be dirty too.

Please HELP, how do I clean his bowl.  Doesn't he need some oxygen?  Can I change his water with just plain tap water?  I have no idea!!  

Please help I don't want him to die!  I also think maybe I am feeding him too much!  What and how much should I feed him?

Thanking you in advance,
Kelly Cosio

Hi, your fish is a laberenth fish meaning that he does not need direct oxegen, change his water once a week.Just remove him and put him in glass container while you clean his bole.DO NOT! use a sponge, NO household soaps just with a rinsed rag and clean it with that!THANKS!