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My fish hurt his fin and sinks to bottom

23 11:51:51

Im not sure what kind of fish he his, but hes black, small, and he got himself
stuck into the side of the oxygen tube. by the time i got him out, he hurt his
fin. he was acting normal until a few days later he started going to the bottom
of the tank, not eating, hiding in a corner. This morning he was stuck under
the tube, (im not sure if he was stuck or he was just lying there) but either
way I got him free and he started leaning to one side (still alive) and sinking
head first to the bottom. I realized one of his fins on his side is completely
dead. Its still attached, but he cant move it, he cant move at all, hes just stuck
in one place and tries and struggles to move but he doesnt get anywhere, and
of course he wont eat because hes got bigger problems, please help! ASAP

Hi Anjelica,
  Unfortunately there isn't really anything that you can do.  
Most likely he was stuck on the filter because he was already
not doing well, rather than being hurt by being stuck on the filter.

-- Ron
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