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getting started, many many questions...

23 13:56:20

To start, I believe my tank is a 29 gallon. It's 20" wide by 19" tall. I plan to aquascape it with several rocks and live plants, sort of Amano style. I'm now wondering about the capacity of my tank in terms of freshwater critters.

The list I would like to add goes as follows:
4 glass shrimp
1 hammer's lobster (looks so cool!)
1 or 2 snails
maybe a clam
1 betta
2 fancy guppies
6 or so tetras (neon, glowlight, x-ray... can't decide)

From what I've been able to find online this would seem to be about the maximum for the tank. Would a community like this overload such a tank? Also, would the crustaceans negate the need for a suckerfish or should I still get one to combat algae growth? I was thinking of a royal farlowella but fear that one such fish may be too large for this tank.

Also, what sort of lighting conditions would be appropriate for this community?

Hi Matthew,
I wouldn't put glass shrimp snails, clams, HAMMER LOBSTER in with a betta,  betta's in this arrangement just don't make good aquarium buddys.   Ghost shrimp die easy, and if you don't see it in time, your betta will get sick, fungus comes quickly to the betta, and the first thing you know you have a sick tank.  Also the hammer lobster, would stress your betta.  The betta isn't a fast fish, will only swim fast when it feels fear, so no I wouldn't think of putting a betta in with a hammar fact the hammer lobster will kill any fish which is slow.  Stressed fish get sick.  Fast fish, like tiger barbs, danios, would do just fine with the hammer lobster.
Hope this helps