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new betta - picky eater?

23 14:59:32

Dear Chris-

I just bought a new betta on Wednesday. He's in absolutely perfect physical condition, I've never seen such a nice looking little guy! He's built a huge bubble nest and is flaring at his neighbor betta and swimming around like a happy little fish. The only problem is - He will not eat his food. It doesn't even catch his interest. My other betta devours it; I don't understand why the newbie won't eat it. I've tried "wiggling it" to simulate live food, but he doesn't even glance at it. The food I'm using is the typical "Betta pellet food" most others use. I'm kind of worried - I don't think he's eaten since I moved him in. I treated him with Melafix for the first few days, assuming he was sick, but his appetite has not returned. Any help?


Hi Amber;

I wouldn't worry too much yet. He still seems healthy and bettas can live just fine for 3 weeks or more without any food at all. Building a nest is a very good sign. He may have been overfed at the fish store and just isn't hungry.

If he goes past the next Wednesday and still doesn't eat, you may have to try another food. Bettas should have a varied diet anyway. They can develop dangerous digestive problems if they live solely on a dried pellet or flaked diet. Offer frozen brine shrimp and blood worms at least a couple of times a week. It's good for your other one too. These foods have a different and more fresh smell and may help his appetite.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins