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Black Moor Goldfish, sick!!

23 14:23:41

I got my black moor goldfish 8 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago he started developing a white film which I learned was fungus and I got medicine for that (Tank Buddies Fungus Clear) and that seemed to do the trick. So for about a week now he has been a happy little fish! But for some reason, he is sicker than before, does not have the white film anymore, but he is not swimming and is on his side on the top of his 2.5 gallon tank. He is breathing heavily and im scared! I think his buyouncy is off becuase he floats up. what can I do?!

Breena,                                                      Your tank is way too small for him. Right now he has a swim bladder infection. Go to your local pet shop get tetracycline and medicate him. Do you have filtration on him you need to. He is going to get as big as both your fists. He needs at least a filtrated 10 gallon alone.Give him a frozen pea sqeezed betwwen your fingers like once evey 2 weeks. Also get a veggie clip from your local petshop and give him half a wedge of orange.If you lost him which I hope you haven't. You know what to do in the future. The myth of a goldfish bowl is just that.. Good Luck , Tina